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broke the Guinness Record by making the world's largest Rosca de Reyes , which was 2 kilometers long.
In order to make this delicious bread , bakers used 2 tons on flour , 10,000 eggs , 350 kilos of margarine , 18 liters of vanilla essence , 18 liters of orange essence , 25 kilos of yeast , 150 kilos of lard , and 700 kilos of sugar . Also, 7,000 small plastic figures of Jesus were placed inside the bread.
140 b akers began preparing the Three Kings Cak e on January 2.
The Rosca de Reyes was supervised by the Guinness Record organization, who revealed the previous record holder was Switzerland , with a Rosca that measured 973.24 meters long.
Therefore, thousands of children and adults awaited to receive a slice of Rosca and hot chocolate to celebrate the Three Kings Day .