
Why is dialogue at the end of the list?

The state government asked the Communications and Transports Ministry to evict the protesters

Teachers have been blocking the railroad for two weeks - Photo: Armando Solís/EL UNIVERSAL
29/01/2019 |09:40
Redacción El Universal
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Michoacán's railways

have been blocked by a group of teachers for two weeks, in the midst of accusations between authorities , in regards to who is responsible for solving the problem.

The state government asked the Communications and Transports Ministry to evict the protesters, as they are blocking federal railways . The federal government claims that the issue concerns local authorities . In short, it's a game where they avoid their responsibilities while society and the private sector are the hostages .

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The business leaders claim that hundreds of companies have been affected and that thousands of jobs are at risk, as well as the supply of products. They are demanding President López Obrador to free the rail route as soon as possible. This situation can't be managed to the state government or federal agencies ? Is it necessary to turn to the President ?

The officials seem to forget that their purpose is to provide the greatest well-being possible by placing society at the core of their tasks.


from the 18th section of the National Coordination of Education Workers (CNTE) are directly responsible for the closing of the rail connection . They demand, rightfully, they payment of arrears . Is it necessary to prevent 1 30 crossings of trains from the Lázaro Cárdenas port , which has affected the industries and the supply of basic products?

The Michoacán government has recognized its failure to fulfill the payments . Since November 2018, the local government announced it was handing the state's education system over to the federal government as its funds weren't enough to make the payments . Last week, the local government insisted that it lacks the financial capacity to fulfill the payments. The federal government just started transferring the resources to pay the teachers' salaries and meetings between the Education Ministry and the state government have taken place, in order to find a solution for the conflict . Auditing the Michoacán government and the CNTE has been proposed, to learn the fate of the resources . Everyone would be held accountable.

The situation in Michoacán is an example of how problems worsen in Mexico : a group of people has several demands, fair or not, blocks an important road , the authority allows it even when it violates the General Roads Law; when the issue escalates and starts affecting the third party, the negotiations begin. This formula should be modified and offer a dialogue and the coordination of the different government levels since the beginning, to prevent the problem escalates.
