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Sheinbaum perfila a Pedro Ortega como encargado de Atención a Personas con Discapacidad; “conoce muy bien el tema”, dice
Sheinbaum: Si trabajadores mexicanos dejaran de consumir en EU, economía se contraería en 1% del PIB; destaca contribución de migrantes
Sheinbaum niega recortes a Institutos Nacionales de Salud; “presupuesto no disminuye, está integrado en IMSS Bienestar", asegura
INAI instruye a Pemex dar información sobre pago de pensión “post mortem” de extrabajador; no ha sido entregada desde 2014
Sheinbaum celebra que programas de Bienestar ya son derecho constitucional; se publicarán en el DOF este lunes
Sheinbaum rechaza intervención de Ejército de EU en México para combatir cárteles del narco; “no estamos de acuerdo en una invasión”
Where is Moreno Valle?
Yesterday during the event where, finally, Ricardo Anaya accepted he is after the Presidency of the Republic, and where all the members of the conservative National Action Party ( PAN ) claimed their support, the one who was absent was the former Governor of Puebla, Rafael Moreno Valle , who has been as silent as the grave as of late. Among the members of the coalition For Mexico to the Front, some PAN and PRD members have claimed Mr. Rafael will most likely refrain from vying for the candidacy of the PAN, that he most likely will criticize the process but that this will be all. However, two questions present themselves: the first, did Moreno Valle negotiated something? And the second, did he negotiated with Anaya or with another candidate from another party?
AMLO, dark & white
According to our sources, the descriptive terms the national leader of the left National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ), Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is using against his political rivals are starting to fall within the boundaries of racism. Yesterday, Mr. Andrés discredited José Antonio Meade ( Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI) and Ricardo Anaya ( National Action Party, PAN) for the color of their skin. He claimed they are white because they never leave Mexico City to go to the other towns in the country; that is, that they don't get enough sunlight. If the message isn't clear, we are at risk of dividing the country in good dark-skinned citizens and bad white ones. What would the president of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination, Alexandra Haas , would say about the words of AMLO?
Turning the page on the Pegasus case
In previous days, the Minister of Public Administration, Arely Gómez , sat to have lunch with the commissioners of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection ( INAI ) and, our sources say, the former Attorney General asked the councilors to back her up in convincing civil society organizations to return to the Open Government Partnership . Our sources have reminded us that the organizations left this space in May when they accused the Federal Government of allegedly spying commentators and members of the organized civil socety through the malware Pegasus . We've been told Ms. Arely, former Attorney General of the PGR (Mexican Office of the Attorney General) – agency which purchased the software to spy on the administration prior to hers – is desperate to close this chapter on a good note so she can, accordingt o the stories, return to occupy a seat in the Senate and leave the position to Claudia Ruíz Massieu, current secretary general of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Alleged signature purchases, a case for the FEPADE
Although these are stories which spread quickly, the Specialized Attorney's Office against Electoral Crimes ( FEPADE ) – currently without an appointed head prosecutor but in under the leadership of Alejandro Porte Petit González – should look into the tales which claim one of the independent aspiring candidates to the Presidency of the Mexican Republic is paying MXN$200 for every signature in order to obtain the almost 900,000 needed to become an official candidate, per the requirements of the National Electoral Institute ( INE ). The task won't be easy because so far there's been no official complaint, so it would take the will of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office to investigate whether a crime is being committed or not.