
When to set your clock back for winter schedule in Mexico

Be sure to set your clock back one hour for the beginning of the winter schedule

The implementation of the summer schedule is meant to promote savings in Mexico’s energy consumption - Photo: Isaac Esquivel/CUARTOSCURO.COM
27/10/2018 |12:09Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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Daylight-saving time ends tomorrow

, marking the beginning of the winter schedule. Don’t forget to set your clock back one hour on the morning of October 28 . The new schedule will be in place until Sunday, April 7, 2019 .

The implementation of the summer schedule is meant to promote savings in Mexico’s energy consumption . Last year, the country was able to save 899.754 gigawatts per hour , which is equivalent to the overall electricity consumption of 563 thousand homes throughout the year .

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Furthermore, the emission of 408 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere was avoided , which is equivalent to burning 1,146 oil barrels .

The financial savings generated by the implementation of the daylight-saving time were estimated at 1.33 billion pesos (USD$68.8 million as per the existing rate) , with an average energy price of 1.48 pesos per kilowatt for domestic use, according to the Ministry of Energy .

It is worth to mention that all 33 municipalities in the country’s northern border, including Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Playa Rosarito, and Tecate, will not change their schedule until next Sunday, November 4 .

However, the states of Sonora and Quintana Roo will not participate in the summer schedule.
