
What does Mexico want for 2018?

Shaken by earthquakes, hurricanes, violence, financial jolts, and political uncertainty, Mexico ends 2017 with more disappointments than achievements

People standing up - File image/EL UNIVERSAL
31/12/2017 |08:42
Redacción El Universal
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Shaken by earthquakes, hurricanes, violence, financial jolts, economic problems, and political uncertainty, Mexico ends a cycle of 365 days, unfortunately, with more disappointments than achievements. On the face of natural phenomena, there is little we can do, except keep developing a civil protection culture, yet the rest of the problems were caused by either omission, lack of will to act, or the inability of the corresponding authorities to do something that could have softened some of the blows and generated a better panorama.

Today, the last day of 2017, EL UNIVERSAL talked to 16 people who study, work or live in Mexico City. They shared with us their appreciation of the old year and their hopes for the one that is to come. These are 16 points of view that may represent up to 80% of the Mexicans who live in urban areas.

The constant in their responses is economic stability . A healthy economy is a goal that has become a pending issue as years go by. Inflation was kept for a long time under control, however, this 2017 ends with a rate of 7%, almost double of what we had in 2016. Moreover, the increase in prices of the basic goods basket and fuels (gasoline and LP gas) became the detonator of a new era of poverty as price changes on these products cause other items and services to also increase.

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For the year that is to come, our interviewees hope for better wages and job opportunities . Although the number of jobs created this year is widely celebrated, experts and analysts say in Mexico low wages still prevail . According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), over 20 million people earn MXN5,000 (roughly, USD$253) per month.


was also mentioned, and many wish to see a change in this situation for 2018. The general public is concerned specifically about the cases of violence against women . Mexico ends this year with an average of 6 women being killed every day.

Their recount of 2017 is grim; nevertheless, these 16 people believe that if the sense of unity brought up by the earthquakes prevails, then Mexico's future can be different.

With simple words and without complex analysis, these people have accurately depicted the problems faced by the country. Governors and aspiring candidates don't need deep and thorough research to understand what the citizens want...they just need to get closer to them, and listen.
