
The U.S. removes Mexican woman accused of financial crimes in Mexico

The woman allegedly took money from a bank vault in 2016

The woman took money from Banco Santander - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
16/05/2020 |11:11EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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The removed on Wednesday a Mexican woman wanted for taking MXN $1.6 million from a bank.

María Guadalupe Chavero-Jiménez

, 30, was wanted by Mexican authorities for taking money from Banco Santander after an internal investigation showed she took the money from the bank’s vault, to which she had access.

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Chavero-Jiménez was encountered on January 22 by the Corpus Christi Police during a minor traffic violation. After her arrest, she was turned over to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley, and, a day after, she was put in custody of the ICE and transferred to a detention center in Raymondville, Texas


Shortly after, the U.S. agency received confirmation that Mexican authorities had issued an arrest warrant for financial crimes against Chavero-Jiménez. On May 4 , an immigration judge issued her a final order of removal .

"The Chavero-Jimenez case shows how effective corporation between the U.S. and Mexican law enforcement helps keep our communities safe," said Daniel Bible , field office director for Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in San Antonio.


According to the ICE, since October 1, 2009, the ERO removed over 3,700 foreign fugitives from the U.S. who were sought in their countries for serious crimes , "including kidnapping, rape, and murder."

Likewise, in the fiscal year 2019, that is, from October I, 2018, to September 30, 2019, the ICE removed over 267,000 immigrants .

