
U.S. prosecutors make shocking claims against Genaro García Luna

If convicted, Genaro García Luna faces life imprisonment

Former President Felipe Calderón appointed Genaro García Luna as Security Minister in 2006 - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
27/02/2020 |13:08EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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After , Mexico’s former Security Minister requested to be released on bail on February 25, U.S. authorities sent a document to Judge Levy to ask him to deny the petition.

In the document, claim that two people who were supposed to serve as suretors backed out and the other suretor is not financially stable to secure the USD $1 million bond .

In the document, prosecutors present three arguments “to deny the defendant’s motion.” Firstly, they argue Genaro García has the ability to flee and “an overwhelming incentive to do so. Additionally, they have significant evidence against the former Mexican official, and thirdly, the USD $1 million bond is “woefully inadequate to assure his future appearance before Judge Cogan .”

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Prosecutors also explain tha t García Luna could face life imprisonment if convicted. This is a possible incentive for him to flee the country, according to U.S. authorities; the incentive could be exacerbated by the fact that authorities have enough evidence against


The letter to Judge Levy also reveals authorities have found more witnesses “who will testify at trial that the defendant agreed to assist the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes .”

Prosecutors also argue that García Luna could flee to Mexico since he has “access to powerful resources in Mexico, including a host of corrupt Mexican government officials and members of the (…) who can ensure that he is never captured.”

According to prosecutors, it would be convenient for Mexican government officials and the Sinaloa Cartel is flees, since that would allow them to “avoid the public disclosure of these criminal acts in trial.”

More shocking revelations include the claim that García Luna owns USD $40 million in assets , the use of shell companies and straw purchases to hide his fortune. The mention an example from October 2012, when García Luna bought a USD $3 million mansion in Florida and paid in cash, as well as a yacht .


Additional investigations have shown that the former Mexican official has “received millions of dollars in funds, both through companies with which he is publicly affiliated and through shell companies” located in countries such as Panama .

According to prosecutors, ’s criminal activities did not come up during the trial against “El Chapo“ Guzmán and argue that for over a decade, several individuals have accused him of collaborating with the infamous .

Authorities affirm that several witnesses, who used to be high-ranking members of the , will testify at the trial, where they will confirm received millions in bribes in exchange for protection .

On February 27, it was announced that García Luna will remain in prison since two people refused to co-sign his bond and his lawyer has to put together another bail package.

