The treasure of Elba Esther Gordillo

We're told that the National Teachers' Union (SNTE) is going all in to recover the alleged national treasure they claim was under the protection of the teacher Elba Esther Gordillo , when she was the leader of the organization – which is now missing. Soralla Bañuelos de la Torre, the legal representative of the union, has appeared before Mexico's Office of the Attorney General (PGR) in order to “locate” 15 boxes which should contain 80 unseen pieces of Mexican plastic artists. Ms. Soralla appeared before an agent of the Special Unit on the Investigation of Operations with Illegally Acquired Funds. We're told the Teacher's Union is trying to establish whether Gordillo actually acquired the works – some of them, allegedly, painted by Diego Rivera – and restore them to the estate of the Union, if applicable. They claim “the Teacher” had proposed leaving the artworks as her legacy to the Union and now they don't even know if this treasure existed, to begin with.

PAN governors with Anaya?

Before the event in Huauchinango, Puebla , took place, the presidential candidate of the For Mexico to the Front coalition, Ricardo Anaya , had a spiritual cleansing done against negative energies and bad omens. However, in Yucatán, several kilometers away from Puebla, we're told that the governors of Aguascalientes, Durango, Baja California Sur, Quintana Roo, and Querétaro met with Mauricio Vila Dosal , running for Yucatán Governor with the conservative National Action Party (PAN). We're told many interpreted the meeting as a way to let Ricardo know they are an independent group that doesn't have to report back to the presidential candidate. Moreover, Vila Dosal didn't even mention Anaya during his speech. It seems the spiritual cleansing in Puebla didn't work that well. Are all PAN governors truly with Mr. Ricardo?

MC politicians support AMLO

We're told that Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was warmly welcomed yesterday in Jalisco ...but by members of the center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC). First of all, Alberto Uribe Camacho , former operator of the MC's candidate to the Governor's office in that state, Enrique Alfaro, publicly proclaimed his support for Mr. Andrés in Lagos de Moreno. And later on, the Mayor of Tepatitlán, of the MC, Hugo Bravo, received López Obrador in the downtown of the community to welcome him. During his rallies, AMLO thanked the members of other parties who are supporting his candidacy. By the way, the Senator and former member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), José María Martínez , has also shown his support for AMLO.

Meade's numbers

The campaign team of the presidential candidate of the All for Mexico coalition is counting the support its candidate, José Antonio Meade , is receiving. They claim that this weekend, members of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in over 14,000 places all over the country have shown Meade their support. They explain that over 35,000 people were at crossings and streets to kick off the permanent campaign program. The challenge now is to translate this national organization into votes for Mr. José Antonio.


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