
Tamal Fair in Mexico City

If you found a little baby Jesus inside your Rosca de Reyes, you should drop by the fair and buy lots of tamales for your family and friends

Tamales are a beloved dish in Mexico and the world - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
28/01/2019 |12:20Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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If you thought you'd start your diet after the holiday season , well...we're sorry to inform you that Candlemas , known as the Día de la Candelaría in Mexico , is coming up! So you will eat lots of tamales and atole, but the best ones are at the 2019 Tamal Fair in Coyoacán, in Mexico City.

At the 2019 Tamal Fair in Mexico City , you will find different types of tamales from different states and also other versions from countries such as Panamá and Nicaragua .

The fair will take place from January 29 to February 3 at the Popular Cultures National Museum (Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares) in Coyoacán .

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So if you found a little baby Jesus i nside your Rosca de Reyes , you should drop by the fair and buy lots of tamales for your family and friends.
