
Spain's PM Pedro Sánchez to visit Cuba

Spain is one of Communist-ruled Cuba’s biggest trading partners and a major investor there, especially in the tourism sector

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez - Photo: Juan Medina/REUTERS
26/09/2018 |14:41Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez

on Tuesday accepted an invitation from Cuba ’s president to make an official visit to the island which will be the first by a Spanish premier for more than 30 years .

No exact date or official agenda has yet been set for the visit, a Spanish government spokeswoman said.

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Sánchez and Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel met in New York on Tuesday on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly .

Spain is one of Communist-ruled Cuba’s biggest trading partners and a major investor there, especially in the tourism sector.

While the two countries have never broken off relations, political and economic cooperation has been on and off over the last decades. The last Spanish prime minister to visit Cuba was Felipe González in 1986 .
