
Seven bodies found after armed attack in Mexico's Guerrero state

At least seven people, including a minor, were murdered in a violent confrontation in Guerrero

An officer patrols along a border of caution tape - Photo: Rebecca Blackwell/AP
03/07/2020 |12:48Arturo de Dios Palma |
Redacción El Universal
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At least seven people, including a minor, were murdered in a violent confrontation at the community of San Vicente in the Copanatoyac municipality in Guerrero .

Copanatoyac's municipal president Jorge Aguilar Vázquez confirmed the crime .

Aguilar Vázquez said that last June 29, some 20 locals of San Vicente Amole went to the border of the Copanatoyac and Zapotitlàn Tablas municipalities to look for livestock they had lost.

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When they were searching, said the mayor, a group of armed men wearing Community Police shirts began to shoot at them. Only 12 of the 20 men who left San Vicente returned home.

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On July 1, locals found seven bodies and are still looking for another person that has not been located.

Those who were found on Wednesday are: Aureliano Villegas Pastrana (42), Leobardo Villegas Morales (15); Alejandro Rodrìguez Alvarado (28), Marcos Nazario Rodríguez (30), Ángel Rojas Rodríguez (37), Rubén Morales Alvarado (22), and Salvador Morales Nazario (23).

The person who is still missing was identified as Avelino Villegas Morales (25).

On Wednesday afternoon, the informed that a helicopter of the State Police flew over areas like the San Marcos hill and San Vicente. The mayor partook in the flights.

“It is important to stipulate that the institutional search has the objective to locate, to date, eight missing people,” said the agency.

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Taxco state pólice officers are attacked

An armed group attacked officers of the State Police on Tuesday night at the Casahuates neighborhood in Taxco; two were injured.

According to the pólice report, at 23:00 on Tuesday, at the September 16th Street of the Casahuates neighborhood, north of Taxco, officers of the Centaur Group were patrolling the area when they were attacked. According to the report, the officers repelled the attack.

The injured officers were taken to the Taxco Hospital to receive medical care.

10 days ago, an alleged criminal group ambushed state pólice officers; six were murdered and five were injured at the highway that connects the Tetipac and Taxco municipalities up north Guerrero state.

According to the police report, the armed group attack two State Police patrols near El Gavilán and San Miguel Acuitlapán in the Tetipac municipality, near Taxco.

According to the report, gunmen shot from the hills when the officers were passing by.
