
Secrets of Aztec Calendar hidden in Mexican currency

According to HSBC, each coin is part of a “jigsaw puzzle” made out of Aztec symbols

The 1 peso coin features the “ring on enlightenment” representing the Tonalamatl calendar, which priests used to measure the community’s agricultural activities - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
30/01/2019 |17:51Newsroom |
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Did you know that if you put together the exterior rings of Mexican coins you can assemble the Aztec Calendar ?

Through Twitter , the HSBC bank published the “discovery,” which immediately went viral in social media.

According to the British bank , each coin is part of a “ jigsaw puzzle ” made out of Aztec symbols.

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The 1 peso coin features the “ring on enlightenment” representing the Tonalamatl calendar, which priests used to measure the community’s agricultural activities.

The 2 pesos coin features 10 pictograms , representing half of the days in the Aztec month . This part is known as “ Tonalpohuali .”

The five pesos coin represents the edge of the calendar. It shows two “ fire serpents ” or xiuhcóatl facing each other. Their bodies represent the 52 annual cycles that make up one Mexica century.

Finally, the 10 pesos coin is engraved with the face of Tonatiuh , the Aztec Sun God . The four squares that surround it represent previous suns.
