
Rosario Robles presents a writ of amparo against arrest warrant

The Mexico Attorney General’s Office is planning to allocate and process the former official for the improper exercise of public service

Rosario Robles, former head of SEDESOL – Photo: Alejandra Leyva/EL UNIVERSAL
31/07/2019 |14:25Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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The legal defense of Rosario Robles , former head of the Social Development Ministry (SEDESOL) , presented an “ amparo ” against any possible arrest order issued against her.

This happened after it was revealed that the Mexico Attorney General’s Office (FGR) requested a hearing before a supervisory judge of the Reclusorio Sur to allocate and process the former official for the improper exercise of public service , derived from the case of the Master Fraud .

The Master Fraud is one of the most notorious frauds in Mexican history as it allegedly involves 11 federal agencies , which were allegedly used to divert millions during the Peña Nieto administration .

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The three main alleged accomplices of the massive fraud were the Social Development Ministry (Sedesol) , led by Rosario Robles ; the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras) , and Pemex , then led by Emilio Lozoya .

The Federal Superior Auditor found that the federal government allocated contracts for MXN $7,670 million to over 100 companies, nevertheless, 128 of those companies lacked the infrastructure and legal existence to provide the services they were obliged to or they simply didn't exist .

According to her lawyer, Julio Hernández Barros , the claim presented to the federal courts of Mexico City has yet to be accepted.

It was the Tenth Criminal Amparo District Judge of Mexico City who accepted the process of the claim of the former head of the SEDESOL and granted a provisional suspension against any arrest warrant or hearing.