
Romero Deschamps wasn't invited to the party

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Deschamps has led Pemex's union for decades - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
19/03/2019 |10:29
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Romero Deschamps wasn't invited to the party

Carlos Romero Deschamps

, the leader of Pemex's union , wasn't surprised he didn't receive an official invitation to the event to commemorate oil expropriation . During the planning of the event, the message was clear, as Romero Deschamps was ignored. Nevertheless, we've been told that the message goes beyond the leader since for the first time, the government didn't pay hundreds of workers to attend the event and with this, the administration has shown they have no commitment to the union leadership , who had been praising the President in previous weeks.

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Yasmín Esquivel and Loretta Ortiz meet

After competing for a seat in the Supreme Court, two of the contenders met for a friendly chat. Yasmín Esquivel and Loretta Ortiz met at Au Pied de Cochon in Polanco . We've been told their talk was friendly, despite a tough battle to be appointed a Supreme Court Minister . The purpose of the meeting was to mend any wound. They claim they also discussed the polemic that arose in regards to same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples , as well as the new minister's relationship with José María Riobóo , who is close to the President .

A publicity stunt?

The lower chamber announced it will host a book fair but suspicion already arose. Many of the books that will be on sale are those written by the politicians . For example, some of the books sold will be “Together we made history” by Tatiana Clouthier , Morena ; “The Scoundrels” by Hirepan Maya Martínez , Morena; “War Cry!: The History and Meaning of the National Anthem” by Abril Alcalá Padilla , PRD ; “The Constitution for Girls and Boys” by Annia Gómez Cárdenas, PAN and “Anthology of Articles about Economy” by Brasil Alberto Acosta Peña , PRI .

The National Commission to Search for Victims of Enforced Disappearance is back

Almost a year and a half after the National Commission to Search for Victims of Enforced Disappearance was created in 2017 , and six months after its establishment, in October 2018 , this week, the organization will finally be revived. The commission was abandoned by the previous administration but now it will be reinstated with the participation of all Governors , every state prosecutor , and Alejandro Gertz Manero , the h ead of Mexico's General Prosecutor's Office . We've been told that this commission is important because the search for the person missing will begin as soon as their disappearance is reported so that they can be found alive; therefore, the coordination between all the national and state search commissions is required, as well as the cooperation of all the prosecutors . It will also have to implement forensic science to identify 26,000 corpses .
