
ROMA wins Fipresci Grand Prix for Best Film

The award will be presented next September 20th in Saint Sebastian

A still from Cuaron’s ROMA – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
29/08/2019 |19:00EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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The film ROMA , by Mexican Alfonso Cuarón , has been chosen as the best film of 2019 by the Members of the International Federation of Cinema Critics (Fipresci) , an award that shall be presented during the inauguration gala of the 67th International Film Festival of Saint Sebastian .

On Thursday, Zinemaldia informed in a release that ROMA has been chosen to receive the Fipresci Grand Prix in a ballot in which 618 critics from all the world participated, who have chosen from all the films released from July 1st, 2018 .

ROMA, which Cuarón filmed with the production of Netflix , has stood over other three runner ups: “Pain and Glory” by Pedro Almodóvar; “Parasite,” with which Bong Joon-ho won the Palm d’Or in Cannes, and “The Favorite,” by Yorgos Lanthimos , awarded in Venice and by which British actress Olivia Colm won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

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Cuaron’s film, who wins this award for the first time, was released in last Venice International Film Festival , in which it got a Golden Lion , and, after going through Saint Sebastian in the section “Perlak,” got a good number of recognitions, among them the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, Direction, and Photography, three Baftas , ten Ariels , the Goya for Best Ibero-American film, and seven Platinum awards.

Alfonso Cuarón joins other talented filmmakers that have won the Fipresci Grand Prix, a list that includes Pedro Almodóvar, Michael Haneke, Jean-Luc Godard, Richard Linklater, Roman Polanski, Aki Kaurismäki, and Paul Thomas Anderson , among others.

The prize will be presented next September 20th during the inauguration gala of Zinemaldia in Saint Sebastian.
