
Relatives of the 43 demand results

Should there be no concrete results of the investigation by August 29, the movement threatens to sever talks with the Mexican Office of the Attorney General

Relatives of the 43 outside the Offices of the General Attorney - Alejandro Acosta/EL UNIVERSAL
27/08/2017 |10:06Dennis A. García |
Redacción El Universal
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Relatives of the missing 43 teacher trainees from Ayotzinapa have set August 29 as the deadline for the Mexican Office of the Attorney General ( PGR ) to produce concrete results of the investigation, otherwise, they threaten to sever talks with the Office of the Attorney General, according to Vidulfo Rosales, lawyer of the relative's movement.

Almost three years after the events which took place in the city of Iguala, in the State of Guerrero , Vidulfo Rosas has said they have a meeting scheduled for August 29 with the Office of the Attorney General and members of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

“They PGR needs to prove they have exhausted all the lines of the investigation; otherwise, the people will take to the streets again, and perhaps the protests will escalate,” said Rosales.

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In 2016, Mexico agreed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to create a mechanism to follow-up on the case of Ayotzinapa and implement the recommendations of a foreign group of experts who investigated the case, but Mexican authorities have thus far shown a lack of commitment with this arrangement.

Rosales also claims that in the 35 months since the events of Iguala, no sentence has been pronounced against any of the individuals arrested in connection with the case.

Before the talks began, the relative's movement protested every 26 of the month in Mexico City, marching along Paseo de la Reforma, demanding results of the investigation before the Offices of the Attorney General.

With information from AFP.
