
'Queen of Soul' Aretha Franklin passes away

The legendary Mexican singer Juan Gabriel recorded a song with Aretha Franklin shortly before his passing

Calling it one of the darkest moments of their lives, Franklin’s family said they were unable to find the appropriate words to express the pain in their hearts - Photo: Charles Sykes/AP
16/08/2018 |17:56Newsroom & Agencies |
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Aretha Franklin

, the preacher’s daughter whose powerful voice made her the long-reigning “ Queen of Soul ” with such hit songs as “ Respect ” and “ Chain of Fools ,” died today at the age of 76 , the Associated Press reported.

Franklin, who won 18 Grammys and had some 25 gold records , died at her home in Detroit , the AP said, citing a publicist for the singer. Representatives for Franklin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Calling it one of the darkest moments of their lives, Franklin’s family said they were unable to find the appropriate words to express the pain in their hearts.

“We have lost the matriarch and rock of our family. The love she had for her children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins knew no bounds,”

her family said in a statement.

Shortly before his passing on August 28, 2016 , the legendary Mexican singer Juan Gabriel recorded a song with Aretha Franklin for the production of the Los Dúo studio album.
