
The PRI has behaved well

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The PRI governed Mexico for decades and has been hindered by corruption and impunity allegations - Photo: File/EL UNIVERSAL
21/01/2020 |10:25
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The PRI has been behaving well


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We’ve been told that the federal government thinks that the PRI , an opposition party , is behaving really well, as the party has maintained a good relationship with the new government. In fact, party leader claimed the PRI will be a responsible opposition. He said this yesterday, before diplomats from 50 countries. During the event, Moreno Cárdenas also said the PRI won’t hinder the federal government, but that it will rather propose and build. He added that although the political party will point at the mistakes, it will also recognize the achievements that bring peace, harmony, and tranquility. For many, the PRI and the government are still in the honeymoon period .

Morena is in trouble

The feud between Morena leaders Yeidckol Polevnsky and Bertha Luján worsened the conflicts inside the ruling party. said that she asked a 75% budget cut for the party and that her opposers want her out because they are after money. Yesterday, Luján fought back and said that 40 years of career are behind her and that she’s not after money. While they both fight, other leaders inside the party warn that if the conflict isn’t solved before April, the ruling party won’t be able to properly choose the candidates for 2021 , when the lower chamber , 15 governorships , 27 local congresses , and several municipalities will be renovated.

Who spied Medina Mora?

We’ve been told that the current administration will release information about the espionage suffered by former minister , who was targeted by the PRI . We’ve been told that the General Archive is creating a public version of the document created by the former intelligence agency . We’ve been told that the file focuses on his activities in the 80s. Some wonder if we’ll have to wait another 30 years to learn the reasons behind his resignation .

Mexico: violence and video games

A few months ago, the government has been in touch with the S oftware Rating Board, ESRB , the organization in charge of regulating and classifying in North America. Mexico is looking to receive advice to adapt the games to certain rules. What the Mexican government wants is to create a map of the ESRB classifications , so that the country has an equivalence system.
