
Presidential Address to citizens after earthquake

In his latest Presidential Adress, Peña Nieto confirms ongoing assistance to earthquake victims and speaks of a three-stage recovery plan

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
21/09/2017 |10:08
Redacción El Universal
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In his latest Presidential Address, Enrique Peña Nieto confirmed more than 50 people have been rescued alive from collapsed buildings in Mexico City and that search & rescue efforts will continue.

The President further informed the emergency will be handled according to a three-stage plan:

First stage

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. Providing humanitarian aid to victims and restoring basic public services.

Second stage.

Assessment of material damage to compile thorough information for the reconstruction efforts.

Third stage.

Clean-up works and reconstruction.

He added that for this final stage, structurally compromised buildings which didn't collapse will have to be demolished.

Peña Nieto thanked the volunteers and the several international messages of solidarity and offers of assistance Mexico has received, while confirming aid will continue to be provided to the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca , which were severely damaged during the earthquake of September 7 .

The Mexican President also expressed his condolences to all the earthquake victims in Mexico City, Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla , and the State of Mexico .
