
Preserving Zapotec through board games

The board game is free and hopes to strengthen the teaching of Zapotec

Children learning Zapotec – Photo: Taken from Amigos del IAGO y del CFMAB A.C. Facebook page
08/01/2019 |15:39Ismael García / Corresponsal |
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The organization “Amigos del IAGO” , founded by Francisco Toledo , the visual artist, and the “Manuel Álvarez Bravo” Photography Center created a board game similar to Snakes and Ladders so that players in the Tehuantepec Isthmus can practice numbers in Zapotec .

The Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca (IAGO) explained that it was made by using the drawings of animals made during the workshop called “Yagaguie' ne maní' lu didxazá: Plants and animals in Zapotec” , taught by José Ángel Santiago and Nelson Guerra in Juchitán de Zaragoza , in 2017.

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The project was made for the Tehuantepec Isthmus , the region with the largest number of Zapotec speakers. The board game is trying to contribute to the preservation of the indigenous language.

Nelson Guerra
and Víctor Cata have taught Zapotec for some time and they collaborated in the creation of the board game , which was designed by Ladxidua Toledo.

The board game is free and hopes to strengthen the teaching of Zapotec .
