
Philadelphia Eagles interested in signing Mexican player Luis Perez

Perez signed with the Rams as a non-recruited free agent at the Texas A & M-Commerce last May

Pérez, who was tested by the Los Angeles Rams during the last campaign, has just played with the Birmingham Iron team at the Alliance of American Football - Photo: Taken from Luis Perez's official Twitter page
05/04/2019 |16:26Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican quarterback Luis Perez

will have another chance to prove himself at the NFL’s training camps. The Philadelphia Eagles are now considering replacing Carson Wentz with the Mexican athlete, this after the champions of the Super Bowl LII lost Nick Foles.

Pérez, who was tested by the Los Angeles Rams during the last campaign, has just played with the Birmingham Iron team at the Alliance of American Football , where he threw for 1,460 yards with five touchdowns and six interceptions.

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The Eagles let go of Foles, who was named the most valuable player at the Super Bowl LII , where the team managed to defeat the Patriots. The team has set its eyes on Perez to replace Wentz, who has had difficulty playing due to his injuries.

Pérez signed with the Rams as a non-recruited free agent at the Texas A & M-Commerce last May and spent two weeks with the practice team.

Every player from the Alliance of American Football is authorized to sign with NFL clubs.
