
Pancho Villa TV series in the making

The production will cover the period of 1910-1923 of the life of the Mexican revolutionary

General Pancho Villa (center) – Photo: File photo/AP
25/07/2019 |16:22
César Huerta Ortiz
reportero de la sección EspectáculosVer perfil

A TV series about Pancho Villa by Enoc Leaño, who would also have the lead role , is in the making.

Written by himself , the production would cover the period of 1910-1923 , with the title “ Pancho Villa, the Revolutionary Phoenix” (Pancho Villa el fénix revolucionario) .

“He’s a figure I admire and respect, and I wrote this. It would start with the adobe house , when he joins the movement, until his death , with an epilogue of him being more alive than Zapata ,” says Leaño.

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For the moment, the actor appears in Chicuarotes , directed by Gael García Bernal , where he plays an alcoholic and violent father.

“He’s a son of his bad life,” he jokes.

For 2020 he will also be on the small screen with the new season of Run, coyote, run .

“Which returns with more criticism and acidity ,” he says.