
Nxivm cult leader sexually exploited Mexican girls

Raniere faces disturbing allegations, along with other two public figures, actress Allison Mack and heiress Clare Bronfman

Keith Raniere is an alleged pederast, abuser, and human trafficker- Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
12/05/2019 |12:13EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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A Mexican teenager was the first woman to be exploited by Keith Raniere , the founder of the alleged self-help group and sex cult Nxivm , according to revelations made during his trial, as he is accused of serious crimes and could face life in prison .


faces disturbing allegations, along with other two public figures, actress Allison Mack and heiress Clare Bronfman ; the two women, along with other three accused, have pleaded guilty .

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According to local media outlets, the Prosecutor revealed how Raniere recruited his first “ sex slave ” and led a secret group , DOS , that was part of Nxivm , a criminal organization where he was the leader and the “master”, while women were his “ slaves .” They were blackmailed and marked with his initials .

According to the Prosecutor , Raniere brought a Mexican family to New York in 2005, after promising to sponsor their three daughters into Nxivm , a group that pretended to be a personal development group while it sexually exploited and blackmailed women. He then was “not interested in being his mentor and instead, he had sex with the three,” one of the girls was 15 at the time.

After one of the girls started dating someone, Raniere retaliated by “ locking her into a room for two years ” before sending her back to Mexico , while the younger girl, who he considers as his first “ slave ” was forced to recruit other women to join the disturbing cult , according to The New York Post.

Raniere's lawyer

described him as a “ good man ” with “ good intentions ” who wanted to create a “ sisterhood ” for women but instead, he allegedly exploited women , who were blackmailed with nude photographs.

According to court documents, judge Nicholas Garaufis refused Raniere's lawyers motion to exclude pictures , which are labeled as child pornography , as proof ; said pictures were found in a USB inside his New York home.


is accused of sex trafficking of both minors and adults, possession of child pornography, sexual exploitation of a minor, blackmailing, conspiracy, identity theft, extortion, forced labor, money laundering, and wire fraud.
