
Nobody wants to be linked to Genaro García Luna

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Genaro García Luna was arrested in the U.S. on drug trafficking charges - Photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL
29/12/2019 |12:17
Redacción El Universal
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Nobody wants to be linked to Genaro García Luna

There have been several rumors and accusations swirling around since former Security Minister was arrested in the U.S. for his alleged links to the Sinaloa Cartel . In Mexico, the Financial Intelligence Unit argues that it can’t reveal the names of the former officials being investigated for the alleged money transaction made by the Interior Ministry during Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto ’s administrations because it is an ongoing investigation. So far, we’ve been told that Senator Miguel Osorio Chong , the former Interior Minister, doesn’t think he could be linked to García Luna and is even willing to collaborate on the case.

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A silent Attorney General

The year is about to end and there was no annual balance at the Attorney General’s Office ( FGR ). As well as other government departments, the FGR had an intense year, with important arrests, such as and but in contrast with other institutions, it didn’t inform society about its developments in 2019. We’ve been reminded that during the last press conference hosted by Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero was in May. Do you think the FGR is gathering information to present it in January 2020?

Is Gabriel Quadri joining the PAN?

We’ve been told that the former presidential candidate Gabriel Quadri has been in talks with leaders. Just last week, there was a rumor that claimed that Quadri would officially join the conservative party before December 24, nevertheless, it was only a rumor. However, we’ve been told that PAN leader Marko Cortés has met with Quadri, as both have become two of the biggest critics of the administration led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador . Moreover, they both met in November and shared evidence on social media and agreed to work together to protect the environment .

The Catholic church is ready to talk

Archbishop Carlos Aguiar Retes

is on vacation and traveled to Tepic, Nayarit to celebrate the new year. We’ve been told that the cardinal will rest for a few weeks before returning to the capital, where he will meet with journalists and reporters to strengthen a relationship that hadn’t been productive. The is so interested in having a good relationship with the press that it will host a workshop in 2020 , in order to improve the coverage of religious issues .
