
No parties for Mexicans abroad

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Now that austerity rules, Mexican embassies won't host parties on Independence Day - Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
28/07/2019 |09:55
Redacción El Universal
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No parties for Mexicans abroad

The date Mexicans, in the country and abroad, celebrate the most is independence day . Besides 5 de Mayo in the U.S. , this was the day when Mexicans abroad got together to celebrate the date in their embassies . Nevertheless, those parties are now in the past. This year, embassies and consulates all over the world have already announced that there will be no independence parties because of budget cuts, therefore, they said that Mexicans and organizations are free to organize events. This is the case of the Mexican embassy in Costa Rica , it has already announced that there will be no party on September 15 .

Everyone at the Coneval

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is afraid

Those having a hard time and who are monitoring everything President López Obrador does and says are the Coneval employees . We've been told that a week before it presents the 2008-2018 Report of the Evolution of Poverty in Mexico, the autonomous agency is working overtime to finish the study. They are not only adapting to the new head of the institute , Nabor Cruz Marcelo after Gonzalo Hernández Licona was removed a few days ago, but they are also worried about the eventual disappearance of the autonomous agency, as the President publicly suggested. Sources inside the agency say that employees have never been this worried and anxious since the institute was created 14 years ago.

The PAN to preside the lower chamber


reported that the PAN will preside the lower chamber starting in September, and now, it emerges that there are a lot of contenders for the position. We've been told they could repeat a scheme used during previous terms, when the PAN led the Directive Board , this mean, that there are two PAN members leading the lower chamber during the same legislative year. Nevertheless, the chosen one for the first semester will be the most representative because there is a possibility that President López Obrador personally delivers his first report himself on September 1. The PAN members who are looking to preside the lower chamber are Laura Rojas, Adriana Dávila, Marco Antonio Adame, Elías Lixa, Jorge Luis Preciado, and Marcos Aguilar.

Batres is ready for another round

The secrecy with which Martí Batres is acting to reelect himself as the Senate leader is calling a lot of attention. First, his running mate, senator Citlalli Hernández has praised her work but what calls more attention is that lawmakers from other parties such as Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso, PT , and Vanessa Rubio and Claudia Anaya, PRI , replicate the messages the lawmaker shares on his social media accounts. Armando Guadiana Tijerina has already asking Batres to stay for another term but his strong supporter is Ifigenia Martínez.
