
Mexico's Monterrey club registers COVID-19 outbreak

Several Liga MX teams have registered coronavirus outbreaks among its players and staff

Mexican soccer will resume play with no spectators - Photo: Carlos Cuin/EL UNIVERSAL
02/07/2020 |11:53
Universal Deportes
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As Mexican soccer gets set to , several Liga MX teams have registered coronavirus outbreaks .

Now, it was the that detected a confirmed COVID-19 case.


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“Club Monterrey informs that, after performing 50 COVID-19 tests last Thursday to all the members of the main team (players, coaching body, directors, and staff), a positive and asymptomatic case was detected. Following the measures issued by Health authorities, the member will follow the established protocol; he will be isolated and under medical examination,” said the team in a statement released on June 29 .


did not specify whether the case involved a player, nevertheless, it is the second positive case in the team after Rogelio Funes Mori contracted the new disease in early June. The Argentinian player has already recovered and is training with the rest of the team.


“We stress to the members of the team, our fans, and the community, the relevance of following the measures issued by Health authorities during the health emergency ,” added the statement.

On June 28, updated its number of infections to 31; all of them are asymptomatic.

