
Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life

Gathering people who were curious and excited to experience Death a la mexicana

Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life
22/10/2017 |15:11EL UNIVERSAL in English/Sofía Danis |
Redacción El Universal
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This year, cempasuchil flowers, 54 skulls decorated with Mexican motives ( Mexicráneos ), and several Catrinas ( Mexico's Grande Dame of Death ) embellish Paseo de la Reforma , setting the mood for Mexico's beloved tradition the Day of the Death (Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico on November 1 and 2).

Last Sunday, Mega Procesión de las Catrinas , an event revolving around the Catrina , a creation by Mexican artist José Guadalupe Posada in 1912, began at 19:00 , yet hours before the beginning of the parade, Paseo de la Reforma avenue started to get crowded with people from Mexico, but also from different countries who were curious and excited to experience Death a la mexicana .


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Music, colors, and above all, make up, caught the attention of the people that were just passing by, and among giggles and laughs, Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life.

Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life



, makeup artist at Red Carpet Maquillaje profesional y Alto Peinado , adhered to this year's edition, notes regarding Mega Procesión de las Catrinas , “this is a world heritage tradition and it is an evolution. [...] This is a huge opportunity to have a more artistic concept, for example in this rainbow skull, and at the same time, you are in the most important avenue in the country. [...] We have so many opportunities {at this event}, for art, for our world heritage tradition. {Attendees} can live this tradition with us, I think that is the most important [about this event].”

And just like that, catrinas , catrines , and calaveritas de azúcar (skull candies) began to appear near the Angel of the Independence monument as of eleven o'clock in the morning.

Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life

“I was just passing by and there's a lot of people, these colors and the activities caught our attention so we stayed here to take a look!” said Dian Jin , attendee from China adding that Mega Procesión de Catrinas 2017 “is very different, it's very interesting and people really make fun of Death! That's very nice!”

Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life

Joshua McDonald, a model at Mega Procesión de las Catrinas 2017 emphasized that "compared to where [he] live[s], the United States, [the traditions] feel more wholesome here."

Mexico's depiction of Death comes to life

Photo: Camila Mata Lara/EL UNIVERSAL


For a couple from Brazil, [the event] is a beautiful party [...] very different from [their] culture [and] from every country in the world!