
Mexico wants to attract Chinese tourists

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan gesture to each other before a meeting at the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing on July 1, 2019 - Photo: Andy Wong/AFP
05/09/2019 |09:27
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico wants to attract Chinese tourists

The current administration is getting ready to travel to China , a country with a somewhat ideological affinity because besides being a socialist country , it follows the rules of the international market comfortably, which allows 124 million Chinese citizens to vacation in other countries. This is a great opportunity for other countries since 20 million have a “very high purchasing power.” Therefore, Tourism Minister, Miguel Torruco , is traveling to China along with other 10 officials to “sell” Mexico in China .

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Do they want to deflect attention from Fertinal?

Last night, the Wall Street Journal published an article about the sale-purchase of Fertinal , which has called the attention of Mexican business leaders because they see this issue as an attempt to affect the good relationship between Ricardo Salinas Pliego and president López Obrador . They consider that it is strange that the newspaper mentions European companies without offering evidence and they also believe that those behind the blow are those responsible for the Fertinal fraud , who might be looking to blame someone else.

The local PRI didn't have time to criticize

After the first state of the union address, the PRI presented a strategy to present its position before the presidential discourse. The plan was for the PRI to present the differences between the former PRI government and the current Morena government using graphics. The party asked all the local officials to do the same but the Mexico City committee declined to take part, as its leader, Francisco Olvera , made reporters wait over two hours before announcing we wouldn't make it to the press conference .

Does Ramón Sosamontes want to join Futuro 21?

We've been told that Ramón Sosamontes , the former head of Rosario Robles' office at the Sedesol and Sedatu , took some time off and spent time on social media despite being investigated for his possible involvement in the Master Fraud . We've been told that a few days ago, when it was revealed that the PRD might disappear and become Future 21 , Sosamontes wrote on Twitter : “ Futuro 21 , amen.” Does the former official want to join the new political platform along with Gabriel Quadri and José Narro Robles ?
