
Mexico reiterates bilateral position with the U.S.

Dismissing claims previously made by U.S. President in a series of Twitter posts

Flags are pictured during the fifth round of NAFTA talks – Photo: Edgard Garrido/REUTERS
18/01/2018 |17:19
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On Thursday, Mexico reiterated its position on the bilateral relationship with the United States while dismissing claims previously made by U.S. President in a series of Twitter posts touching North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) trade negotiations , security , and the construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border .

Despite “Mexico has a significant problem of violence, it is manifestly false that Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world,” Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

It should be noted that rampant crime and gang activity in Mexico prompted the U.S. State Department on Wednesday to issue , warning tourists to completely avoid five Mexican states, an advisory level often reserved for nations at war.

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However, Mexico's Ministry reiterated that illicit trafficking in drugs, weapons and money between Mexico and the United States is “a shared problem that will only end if its root causes are addressed: the high demand for drugs in the United States and supply from Mexico (and other countries),” adding that “only on the basis of the principles of shared responsibility, teamwork and mutual trust will we be able to overcome this challenge.”

Looking ahead to NAFTA talks later this month, Mexico's Ministry said the country would put its national interest first while seeking an outcome to benefit all countries.

Regarding the U.S. President's proposal of building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Mexican government stressed once again that it “will not pay in any way or under any circumstances for a wall or physical barrier built on U.S. territory along the Mexican border,” being a principle of national sovereignty and dignity .

“Mexico will not negotiate NAFTA or any other aspect of the bilateral relationship through social media or any other news platform,” the statement concluded.

