
Mexico ranks fifth on human trafficking

The threats of international organized crime are increasingly sophisticated, thus the security institutions must be transformed strengthening cooperation ties

Human trafficking is a transnational activity that implies working beyond borders- File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
28/11/2017 |18:23
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ranks fifth on human trafficking, so Renato Sales Heredia , Head of the National Commission for Security ( CNS ), urged to fight human trafficking in coordination between countries since it is a crime that does not distinguish "borders."

In the first Hemispheric Summit on Human Trafficking , organized by the CNS in Mexico City, Renato Sales warned that the threats of international organized crime are increasingly sophisticated, thus the security institutions must be transformed strengthening cooperation ties.

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Renato Sales pointed out that in the world of global crime, the borders between nations are weakened, "human trafficking, the so-called modern slavery, is a transnational activity that implies working beyond our borders."

Before representatives of Latin American police institutions, Interpol , Europol , and military, Sales Heredia explained that in Mexico the legal framework has been modified in recent years to effectively fight human trafficking.

Renato Sales highlighted that in Peña Nieto's administration, 600 victims of human trafficking have been released, mostly women , girls and boys from Latin American , European and Asian countries .

Moreover, he informed that they achieved to dismantle 37 gangs and to arrest 559 people.
