
Mexico officially asks Spain to extradite Emilio Lozoya

In February, Lozoya was arrested in a luxurious community located in Málaga, Spain 

Emilio Lozoya Austin was the head of Pemex during the Peña Nieto administration - Photo: Jorge Guerrero/AFP
24/03/2020 |15:59Manuel Espino |
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican government , through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, formally asked Spain to extradite , the former director, to Mexico so he can face corruption , bribery , and money laundering charges.

Sources from the Foreign Ministry explained Mexico had to request the extradition before march 27 but had all the paperwork ready days ago, when the Attorney General’s Office supplied all the necessary documents.


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After being on the run for almost a year, Emilio Lozoya was arrested in a luxurious gated community in , Spain, in late February.

The Spanish police said that as soon as Mexican authorities and the Interpol started to search for the former Pemex director , they discovered Lozoya was staying in and traveling through different parts of Spain.

In Mexico City, Lozoya Austin is wanted for the purchase of a , as he allegedly used illegal resources . This crime is punished with up to 15 years in prison .


According to the investigation, the money used by Lozoya to purchase the property came from illicit activities and he was aware of it. Alonso Ancira and are said to have helped Lozoya in the operation. The alleged crime is linked to a corruption scheme used to grant Pemex contracts in exchange for bribes .

Businessman is currently in Spain, waiting to be extradited or released by a Spanish judge.

