
Mexico investigates two more possible novel coronavirus cases near Mexico City

The World Health Organization has confirmed 6,065 cases worldwide

Several people who have recently traveled in China have been tested in Mexico but none is infected with novel coronavirus - Photo: Hao Yuan/XINHUA
29/01/2020 |13:49Perla Miranda |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico’s Health Ministry informed that authorities are analyzing two more suspected cases in the State of Mexico , a state that is part of the Metropolitan area .

One of the patients is a 27-year-old woman who traveled to , and returned to Mexico on January 18. Two days after her return she showed signs of respiratory disease . The other patient is a 14-year-old male who was in contact with the woman.


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Both show some symptoms but there are no signs of comorbidities . They will remain at home, isolated , until the lab results are ready.

José Luis Alomía

, Mexico’s head of the , said that no novel cases ( ) have been confirmed in Mexico and 7 have tested negative to the deadly .

So far, the has confirmed 6,065 cases worldwide . In China , 5,997 cases have been confirmed and 132 people have died.
