
Mexico doesn’t need a confrontation between the federal government and the business sector 

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Mexico has focused on the poor and ignored the business sector

The CCE has called business chambers, organizations, and associations in hopes of a national business agreement - Photo: Berenice Fregoso/EL UNIVERSAL
08/04/2020 |08:20
Redacción El Universal
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The ignored a proposal made by business chamber CCE to guarantee the reactivation of , that would lead to overcoming the negative effects of closing non-essential businesses in a bid to halt the spread o f COVID-19 , several organizations and have started to announce the measures they will implement to mitigate the economic crisis after the government didn’t respond to its proposal.

Now the CCE has called business chambers, organizations, and associations in hopes of a national business agreement that, in collaboration with workers, helps to halt the economic crisis that results from and in hopes of preventing a fall between 7% and 10%, as well as the loss of 1 million .


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Nevertheless, this time, the has shown it is not a monolithic block because while business leaders in Jalisco have decided not to join the initiative since they consider that the proposal made by the CCE does not represent them and their interests, another sector has shown their support, including Carlos Slim and Grupo Mexico . This has prompted the President to say he has no issues with business leaders and that he has the support of many of them to carry on with the measures he has implemented amid the coronavirus pandemic .

In contrast, in Europe , they are taking decisive measures so that no company or job is at risk and finds a way to maintain income and liquidity as essential elements for the reactivation of the , which also includes the investment of millions of euros from banks and other organizations. All these measures are aimed at mitigating the effects on the economy and despite joining other efforts launched by each European country, all this is still considered as insufficient.

When comparing the efforts launched by Europe and the lack of a response by Mexican authorities, what we need is more solidarity, understanding, and a series of decisions to face adversity. This health emergency is not about confrontations, but about finding a solution, together.

