
Mexico considers certifying work references for “dreamers”

The program was proposed by Chancellor Videgaray at a meeting in New York with a group of dreamers

Videgaray explaining the actions of the Mexican Government to a group of young people – Photo taken from @LVidegaray
05/10/2017 |10:00
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs is exploring the possibility of certifying the professional references of “ dreamers ” – young individuals who were brought illegally into the United States during their childhood –so they are able to continue their professional careers in Mexico.

The program was proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray, at a meeting held last Tuesday with a dozen of “dreamers” at the headquarters of the Consulate General of Mexico in New York.

In a statement released this Wednesday, the Consulate said Videgaray explained to the young people the actions the Mexican Government is taking to help them in the United States, as well as to express their interest in providing opportunities for them should they return to their native country.

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During a press conference on Tuesday night, Videgaray highlighted the Mexican Government can support the integration of the young people who decide to return to Mexico through the certification of their work references.

He explained the work references the “dreamers” have from American employers will not necessarily be known or easily confirmed by Mexican employers.

“The Mexican Government can play a part here. We can verify and certify these references to make the incorporation of these young people easier,” into the labor market, for the ones who decide to return to Mexico, according to the Chancellor.

In the statement released, the Consulate also pointed out that during their 2-day work tour in Washington D.C. and New York, Videgaray met with representatives from the City University of New York ( CUNY ) and the program CitizenshipNow!

Videgaray and CUNY are working to sign an agreement for the preparation of immigration diagnostics – in addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collaborating with the University to expand the legal services to Mexican immigrants to more regions in the U.S.

The Mexican Chancellor also assisted to the gala of the Metropolitan Museum of Art organized to gather funds for Mexico's Cultural Institute in New York, which will donate a part of the profits to the reconstruction of the cultural buildings in Puebla which were affected by the September earthquakes.

Videgaray also informed during the gala that Mexico will provide assistance to Puerto Rico after Hurricane María, which will include the deployment of technicians from the Federal Electricity Commission to help restore the power grid of the island.
