
Mexico City empowers women in climate change debate

The 2nd international conference of Women4Climate called for more inclusion of women in the design or public policies aimed to address climate change and global warming

Miguel Ángel Mancera giving a speech during the Women4Climate conference – Photo: Henry Romero/REUTERS
27/02/2018 |11:19
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The C40's 2nd annual Women4Climate conference, which took place yesterday in Mexico City, and called for more inclusion of women in the design of public policies aimed to address climate change and global warming.

Women4Climate brings together over 16 world cities and mayors, business leaders and civil society leaders who are committed to taking action to reduce carbon emissions and decrease their harmful impact on our environment.

Patricia Espinosa, former Executive Secretary of the UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change, presided over the second conference and said during her opening speech at the event, that more than half of women and girls who live in developing countries have experienced the shortage of at least one of the following basic needs: drinking water, sanitary installation, and adequate housing, which represents an obstacle for the UN's development goals, especially those regarding climate change .

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“It's vital that women get involved as they represent over half the world's population. Their needs and perspectives should be vital in the search of solutions for the problem of climate change,” said Espinosa, adding that 2017 was the most “disastrous” year for climate, as the world experienced several events, consequences of natural disasters.

“It's not a fabrication, climate change is real,” said Mayor of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera , who received an award from the executive manager of the C40 – the leading global network of cities committed to addressing climate change – for his “commitment and leadership in the fight against climate change” after Mexico City became the world's second city in implementing the program Women4Climate.

“I'm certain that caring for our environment is a commitment cities have to make and starting today, from Mexico City, we encourage women as protagonists of this change,” reads the tweet of Mexico City Mayor.

“Powerful women are defining the future right now. Including women at the center of the climate debate is vital. We have been, and continue to be, innovative, resilient, and committed, empowered by the increasing growth of this work. The 21st century belongs to women, let no one doubt it," said Anne Hidalgo , Mayor of Paris through a videocall transmitted during the conference. She added that the goals women implement also required the committed support of men.

The devastating effects of climate change affect, in particular, underprivileged people, according to what was said during the conference. Women make up 70% of the world's population living in this situation.
