
Mexico City colors pedestrian crossing with rainbow flag for Pride Month

A total of 25 pedestrian crossings were painted with the colors of the rainbow, as well as some benches and buildings

Members of the LGBT+ community also cleaned up the streets of the Juárez neighborhood and planted flowers on Liverpool street - Photo: Taken from Jacqueline L'Hoist's official Twitter page
22/06/2019 |17:40Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Last Thursday , the Mexico City Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination (COPRED) painted a pedestrian crossing with the colors of the rainbow, representing the official flag of the LGBTTTI community.

“We invite you to see our zebra crossing with the colors of the rainbow between Génova and Estrasburgo street, in the Juárez neighborhood. It is a sign of inclusion and non-discrimination towards the LGBTTTI community,” the Mexico City government tweeted on Thursday.

Through social media, the COPRED stated that the city would continue “working to promote and protect the rights of the LGBTTTI community.”

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Jacqueline L’Hoist, chairwoman of COPRED

, added that, in addition to the colored pedestian crossing, the government handed out anti-discrimination plaques to businesses and establishments on Génova street.

Members of the LGBT+ community also conducted cleaning activities on the streets of the Juárez neighborhood and planted flowers on Liverpool street.

A total of 25 pedestrian crossings were painted with the colors of the rainbow, as well as some benches and buildings.
