
remains at the forefront in the production of vaccines for the livestock sector , which has allowed it to export food to more than 160 countries , according to the Minister of Agriculture, Baltazar Hinojosa Ochoa .

He pointed out that the National Producer of Veterinary Biologicals (PRONABIVE) has had a positive impact in contributing to livestock health since its creation in Mexico 40 years ago .

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) said that from January to June 2018, 626,041 pieces were prepared, which is equivalent to 7.3 million doses for the combat and eradication of diseases of animal origin.

"This met 91% of the adjusted target ," he argued during the 197 Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of PRONABIVE .

The federal official pointed out that the entity was self-financing and had generated 69% of total tuberculin in the first half of 2018 . Tuberculin is a method to determine whether or not an animal is infected with tuberculosis, and Mexico is one of the first countries to produce it.

20% of total rabies vaccines were also produced in Mexico, 10% of vaccines against brucellosis, and 1% of other products including vaccines for equines, pigeons, and diagnostic reagents

, he said in a statement.

Therefore, he added that this public institution was a global benchmark in veretinary biological products, providing a great service to the country’s primary sector.


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