
Mexico approves recall election and referendums

The opposition claims this could set a precedent to allow presidential re-election in Mexico

President López Obrador has said he will resign if people vote against him in 2022 - Photo: Edgard Garrido/REUTERS
16/10/2019 |12:20Reuters y redacción |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican lawmakers

have approved a controversial bill that will give Mexican society a chance to vote to either retain or remove a President halfway through their six-year term.

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The controversial plan for a “ recall vote ” was then passed by the lower chamber .

During his presidential campaign and early days as Mexico's President, López Obrador vowed to hold a referendum halfway through his presidential term but opposition lawmakers were concerned that it would strengthen the Mexican President and possibly subvert a current ban on a President serving more than one term.

The Mexican Senate approved the bill with 98 votes in favor, 22 votes against, and 1 abstention. Under the proposed constitutional changes, Mexicans will be able to vote on López Obrador in March 2022 .

Nevertheless, critics say the mid-term presidential vote would allow López Obrador to place himself at the center of the campaign for mid-term elections for the lower chamber, which will be held on June 2021 .

The opposition expressed concern, as the measure could be used to encourage support to allow a President to be reelected for a second term.

In June, López Obrador proposed in holding a recall referendum on March 21, 2021, if Congress could not reach an agreement to pass the bill.
