
Mexican Tribunal halts the construction of the Santa Lucía Airport

The suspension was granted to Juan Ramón Morera Mitre, the director of Novalan

The Texcoco airport was canceled by López Obrador after a referendum - Photo: Jose Méndez/EFE
04/06/2019 |12:07Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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A federal tribunal halted the construction of the International Santa Lucía Airport until the Mexican government shows it has obtained the required environmental diagnosis and permits that guarantee that the airport won't affect the environment .

The First Tribunal Court on Administrative Matters in the State of Mexico granted the suspension of the construction to Juan Ramón Morera Mitre , the director of Novalan , S. A. de C. V., a textile company .

The first time Morera Mitre filed an amparo against the cancellation of Mexico's New International Airport (NAIM) located in Texcoco , his petition was rejected because the judge considered that Morera Mitre didn't have a legitimate interest in the trial procedures .

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Therefore, the business leader decided to file a complaint that was solved on May 30.

In his lawsuit , Morera Mitre argues that the construction of the Santa Lucía Airport started without the proper authorizations and permits in regards to environmental impact .

The magistrates considered that is the suspension wasn't granted, acts that could damage and affect society and the environment could be carried out.

As a consequence, the measure will prevail until a district judge issues a verdict in regards to the permanent suspension of the project .

On April 29, the President led a ceremony to mark the start of the studies and preliminary works at the International Santa Lucía Airport . According to the Mexican government , this new airport will have a capacity for 20 million passengers every year.

This is one of the biggest projects launched by the new Mexican government after President López Obrador held a referendum to decide the future of the Texcoco Airport , which was later canceled, as it was claimed the project was plagued by corruption .
