
Mexican students develop sustainable vegan dog food

The project won second place at the entrepreneurship simulator TrempCamp of the University of San Diego

“Cuddle” was created by Mexican student Sofía Vallejo – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
10/09/2019 |16:23Newsroom |
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Supermarket surplus foods

were the main ingredients used by Sofía Vallejo Dorantes , a student of Industrial Engineering of the Ibero American University , to create vegan croquettes for dogs .

With the project named “Cuddle,” Sofía Vallejo won second place in the entrepreneurship simulator TrempCamp , which took place at the University of San Diego .

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The project, with the slogan “Cuddle your dog, cuddle the environment,” shows a positive environmental impact since it reuses fruits and vegetables in good conditions, according to a release of the .

Vallejo and her team have the right to compete for a pass to 4 Years From Now , a world congress in which investors can finance this kind of projects.

The team Vallejo Dorantes is made up of Manuel Zavala , student of Sustainable Development Engineering in the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) campus Cuernavaca ; Sofía Viladons , student of Food Engineering of ITESM Querétaro ; Jimena Suárez , student of Mechatronics Engineering by La Salle University , and Raúl Gio , student of Mechatronics Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) .
