Wendy Arévalo, a student of Information Technology and Communications at the Technological Institute of Morelia (ITM) has won the bronze medal at the “XII Latin American Contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology Infomatrix Latin America 2018.”

According to a statement by the ITM, the student participated with her project “Learning English Vocabulary through QR Codes” in the category of Software Development .

The goal of her project was to reinforce and strengthen the learning of English vocabulary for non-English speakers through the use of Android devices and QE code scans.

All projects submitted for the contest were assessed by their complexity, originality, and usefulness, by a panel of six judges.

Close to 300 projects were submitted from several countries – such as Brazil, Peru, and Colombia – for the categories of Robotics, Short Film, Digital Art, Animation, Scientific Outreach, Software Development, and Scientific Short Story.


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