The general director of the Tourism Promotion Council of Mexico (CPTM) , Hector Flores Santana , reported that the House of Mexico installed in the framework of the World Cup of Russia at the Gostiny Gvor site, a few meters from the Kremlin , receives around six thousand international attendees a day .

In a statement, the official highlighted the success of the open arena during the soccer tournament among the foreign community as part of the project "Una probadita de México," (A Small Taste of Mexico) which seeks to emphasize the country's cultural richness through gastronomy, music, and cultural events .

"The experience that these potential tourists live highlights the values of Mexico: a friendly country, with strong and diverse cultural roots ," he said.

In this regard, he said that inside the pavilion, which has a capacity for more than 4,500 attendees , national and international visitors have been able to taste Mexican cuisine and enjoy concerts by renowned artists such as Molotov, OV7, Matute and Banda El Recodo , among others.

They have also been able to appreciate the music of Mariachi and other traditional expressions such as the Huichol art exhibition , by renowned artist Ermenegildo Nazario , and this coming Friday they will have the opportunity to observe the presentation of the "Day of the Dead" parade on Red Square .

Flores Santana

assured that these actions not only contribute to positioning Mexico as an attractive tourist destination at a global level, but also to promote it as a safe bet for national and international investors, as well as allowing the approach and consolidation of fraternal actions with the Russian counterpart.

He recalled that during the official opening ceremony of the pavilion, the ambassador of Mexico in Russia, Norma Pensado , explained that "initiatives like this have a particularly special value in current times. It is very important that we build bridges of knowledge between cultures ".


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