
Mexican lawmaker’s body is found inside a mass grave in Colima

The Mexican President said that one suspect was in custody

Armed men kidnapped the politician on April 29 while she was promoting health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 - Photo: Taken from @TodosConAnelBueno on Facebook
03/06/2020 |13:47Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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The body of a Mexican congresswoman from the state of Colima has been found in a over a month after armed men kidnapped her, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed today.

Armed men kidnapped the politician on April 29 while she was promoting health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Ixtlahuacán, Colima .

During a news conference in Campeche, the Mexican President said that one suspect was in custody.

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In a statement, the Colima Prosecutor’s Office said that the lawmaker’s body was found in a mass grave along with the bodies of three men. The bodies were found on June 1, but the remains of the lawmaker were not identified until June 2.


Colima Governor José Ignacio Peralta

said those responsible would be found, and that the state security chief had resigned.

The announcement came one day after Peralta confirmed that seven bodies found inside a vehicle in Manzanillo were seven missing police officers from Jalisco .

The local press had quoted the lawmaker’s mother as saying that the family waited more than two weeks to speak publicly on the recommendation of the Attorney General’s Office.

In recent years, Colima has faced violence due to and organized crime, reaching the highest in Mexico.

López Obrador expressed his condolences to the family of Anel Bueno, the Morena lawmaker who was kidnapped and murdered.

