
The Mexican government spent $10 million on a parade

A report details the cost of the parade to celebrate the 109th anniversary of the Mexican revolution

The Mexican government organized a huge parade to commemorate the Mexican Revolution on November 2019 - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
19/01/2020 |09:14
Redacción El Universal
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A report obtained by EL UNIVERSAL details the cost of the parade to celebrate the 109th anniversary of the , held on November 20, 2019 . Moreover, the costs generated by the and representation contradict the federal government’s austerity policy, implemented since President López Obrador took office in December 2018.

During the parade , there were several representations of the different periods in Mexican history , such as pre-colonial times , colonial times , independence , the rise against Porfirio Díaz in 1910, and the oil expropriation and the government led by President Lázaro Cárdenas , where the main role was played by characters who are part of the current administration’s image; therefore, it resulted in propaganda in favor of the current Mexican government .

The information obtained shows that a large part of the budget was spent on audiovisual equipment and material , which requires almost MXN $4 million. The federal government also invested public resources on costumes , makeup artists , transport , horse food , and the renting of a .

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This parade was, without a doubt, aimed to explain , however, it seems unnecessary, especially when the same administration refuses to invest in projects requested by society or cancels programs that were useful for people only because they were implemented by previous administrations.


should apply to all. There are commemorations that have become a tradition and that demand resources, however, it is worrying that what was meant to be a review of Mexican history turned into propaganda for the current government, with a price tag of over MXN $10 million. It is clear that the current administration has to establish its priorities .
