
Mexican gamer crowned world champion of Super Smash Bros

The tournament took place from 1 to 3 February. Featuring a version of Super Smash Bros Ultimate for Nintendo Switch

With the win, MkLeo became the three-time consecutive champion of Genesis after winning first place at the 2017 and 2018 Genesis tournaments - Photo: Francisco Suárez/Taken from Genesis 6's official Twitter page
06/02/2019 |16:10Andrea Cruz |
Andrea Cruz
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Leonardo López Pérez, better known as “MkLeo,”

was crowned champion of the latest edition of Genesis 6 , one of the most important Super Smash Bros tournaments in the world, after defeating his opponent James ‘VoiD’ Makekau-Tyson 3-1 .

With the win, MkLeo became the three-time consecutive champion of Genesis after winning first place at the 2017 and 2018 Genesis tournaments .

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During the final, which took place at the Paramount theater in San Francisco , MkLeo chose to play as Lucina , the protagonist of Fire Emblem Awakening , while his opponent used a Pichu.

At only 18 years of age , Leonardo is considered to be one of the top 4 players of Super Smash Bros at the global scale .

The tournament took place from 1 to 3 February . Featuring a version of Super Smash Bros Ultimate for Nintendo Switch .
