
Mexican expert creates graft between potato and chile plants

Araceli Guadalupe Mendieta Vázquez, an agronomist from the UAA, carried out a series of combinations before she achieved a successful one

Potatoes and chilies are frequently used in Mexican cuisine - Photo: Eduardo Trejo Trejo/EL UNIVERSAL
09/09/2018 |12:44Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes ( UAA ) have obtained grafts between chili plants and potatoes , which will make it possible to have two products in the same plant to save space and water in the same crop.

Araceli Guadalupe Mendieta Vázquez

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graduated from the institution's Master's Degree in Agronomic Sciences , and she achieved the graft after working with 32 combinations , yet the most effective turned out to be white potatoes and bell peppers.

The majority of grafts between plants is carried out in tomatoes and aubergines , so the Mexican expert sought other options, due to the growing demand worldwide.

Domesticated and wild potato plants were chosen as rootstock, while the aerobic part was destined for chilies .

32 combinations

were made with the two potatoes, and 16 varieties of chili , which includes chilies cascabel, cora, guajillo, pasilla and yellow , among others.

She explained that from all the combinations, positive results were obtained with water chili, cora, and yellow chili, although the quantity and size of the fruits and tubers did not meet their expectations.

According to a statement released by the University , scientific research in the agri-food area is important to provide producers with better options for their work.
