
Mexican diplomats complain about high living expenses

The Federal Law of Remunerations for Public Servants might jeopardize Mexican diplomats' stay abroad

Due to the approval of the new Federal Law of Remunerations for Public Servants, benefits for foreign service workers will be reduced - Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
14/12/2018 |13:54Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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Facing the reduction of employee benefits for the Mexican Foreign Service , diplomatic representatives abroad have sent notifications to the General Directorate and Human Resources department of the government body, to demonstrate the living expenses of diplomats outside the country.

Moisés Poblano Silva

, the new general director of External Service and Human Resources at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , has been in charge of receiving letters from different embassies for the past week, committing to a thorough assessment of the issue.

Recibe en tu correo las noticias más destacadas para viajar, trabajar y vivir en EU

On November 30 , the division sent a notification to each of Mexico’s embassies and consulates abroad to inform that, due to the approval of the new Federal Law of Remunerations for Public Servants , benefits for foreign service workers would be reduced. Furthermore, personal income tax benefits will be gradually removed, including support facilities.

On November 7 , Poblanno Silva sent a notification to embassies and consulates stating that, in face of restlessness surrounding the Remunerations Law, the Administrative Finances Unit will conduct a formal referendum with the Fiscal Prosecutor’s Office.

“Once the Fiscal Prosecutor’s Office gives its legal opinion, the General Directorate of External Service and Human Resources will have elements to determine whether the new legal provisions are maintained or if the amounts withheld are to be reinstated,” he explained.

He added that the directorate acknowledged the importance and prestige of the external service as that of Mexican representatives in different countries and regions, as well as the protection they provide for fellow nationals outside the Mexican territory.

“This is why we are willing to cooperate and help generate better conditions, within the current legal framework,” he stated.
