
Mexican children are in danger

Some drug cartels manipulate minors, using them to sell drugs or as watchmen, in charge of reporting the presence of soldiers, police officers, or strangers

Violence against children has been on the rise in the last years - Photo: Robin Hammond/EL UNIVERSAL
21/04/2019 |08:29
Redacción El Universal
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The international organization Save The Children published a report where it confirms that in the last 19 years and like never before, children all over the world have been exposed to armed conflicts , especially in the last five years, where it is considered that a total of 420 million children from all over the world have been in danger .

During this period, at least 500,000 children under 5 died , since they are more vulnerable to situations where they don't have basic supplies, mostly because they are refugees or have been displaced from their countries. The number of children who died between 2013 and 2018 translates into an average of 100,000 children's deaths per year in the last five years. The most worrying aspect is that even when these children weren't directly attacked, their death is the result of collateral effects sparked by armed conflicts , such as water shortage, malnutrition , diseases, and the lack of basic sanitation and hygiene services, as well as medical care .

Some of the most affected countries are in Africa and the Middle East but Mexico is also on the list. Even if the country isn't at war or is facing internal armed conflicts , it is a fact that crime is more aggressive and bold and that it is affecting the peace and stability in Mexican homes , where, unfortunately, minors become collateral victims . It is also regrettable that some drug cartels manipulate minors, using them to sell drugs or as watchmen , in charge of reporting the presence of soldiers , police officers , strangers or any kind of unusual activity inside the community.

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Furthermore, and in less of a week, there were three cases that sparked turmoil in the country, which involved minors : the kidnap of Nancy, an 8-month old baby outside a hospital in Mexico City ; the finding of the body of Bruno 's mother, a child who was found wandering through Mexico City , and the murder of a baby during a massacre in Minatitlán, Veracruz . Mexico has to look after the physical and emotional integrity of children , in order to have a future healthy and capable society .
