
Mexican cartels clash leaves 19 dead in Uruapan

From January to June 2019, murders have increased 175% in the municipality of Uruapan, Michoacán

Violence in Mexico has increased in recent years due to cartel wars – Photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL
08/08/2019 |12:55Carlos Arrieta / Corresponsal y Manuel Espino / Reportero |
Redacción El Universal
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The bodies of 19 murdered people were abandoned this morning in three different points of the city of Uruapan, Michoacán . Ones were hung on a bridge , and others were dismembered .

In the bridge located in Industrial Boulevard six half-naked bodies were hanged.

In addition, over Industrial Boulevard , almost on the corner with 21st Century Highway , the remains of three dismembered persons were abandoned. Minutes later, authorities localized three more bags with human remains in the corner of Prolongación Magnolia and Tonatiuh street in the settlement Mexico.

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In the morning, the secretary of government of Michoacán , Carlos Herrera Tello said that local authorities were working in the investigation and that security had been reinforced.

In the first two cases, authorities found messages warning of a cartel war between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Viagras Cartel over territory control .

Carlos Herrera requested support from the National Guard to increase their presence and operative capacity in the actions deployed in Uruapan against crime, mainly for federal crimes .

Figures of the Executive Secretariat of Mexico’s National System for Public Security , show that homicides in Uruapan have increased exponentially.

From January to June 2019 , murders have increased 175% in that municipality located 110 kilometers away from the capital of Michoacán.

While in January there were 12 intentional homicides, in June , there were 33 .

Out of the 84 murders registered in Uruapan, 76 were with firearms, 2 “unspecified,”, 3 with “another element,” and 3 with knives.

Michoacán Attorney General’s Office

confirmed that there were 19 people murdered. Adrián López Solís , head of the agency, said that there were 9 bodies found in the bridge, seven men and two women.

He added that simultaneously, under a pedestrian bridge in the San Rafael settlement, authorities found dismembered remains of 6 men and 1 woman, in addition to the other 3 murdered people found in Prolongación Magnolia.

“According to the inspection performed, these victims had injuries made by firearms ,” he said.
