
Mexican beauty queen crowned in world’s biggest transgender pageant

Miss International Queen 2020 takes place in Thailand one of the most gender-inclusive countries

Miss International Queen 2020 takes place in Thailand - Photo: Taken from Miss International Queen's Facebook account
13/03/2020 |18:51Newsroom & Agencies |
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After temperature checks for contestants and with a smaller crowd than last year because of fears, Mexico’s Valentina Fluchaire was crowned in Thailand as the winner of what is billed as the on Saturday.

Fluchaire, who is a volunteer at the and hopes the Mexican society will soon see transgender women as equal, hailed her victory as a win for all trans-women in Latin America.

“This is for you, I made this for you,” she said.

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Valentina Fluchaire wrote on her Instagram account “Tonight we made history for Latin trans women in the world. Tonight we got loud and we are seen by millions because behind me there are thousands of women without a voice , invisible … With no rights … With no family … I am here to represent you all and rise [sic] the voice for those women who are being silent and violated. I’m here to take you to the first place in the line, you are beautiful, you are worthy of love and respect, you are strong and soft, you are beautiful, you are simply the most beautiful creation, you are woman.”


The second and third place went to contestants from Brazil and Thailand .

The annual pageant was in its 15th year . Thailand has built a reputation as a place with a relaxed attitude toward gender and sexual diversity since homosexuality was decriminalized there in 1956 .

But activists say LGBT+ people face discrimination and stigma in schools, the workplace, and health facilities, and are often rejected by their families.


According to its website, the objectives of the are to promote the organization of activities in Thailand, create equality and acceptance in society, help support and publicize important tourist attractions of Pattaya, select a transgender girl with beauty and ability to represent the contest, support the Thai Red Cross with profits from the contest, select human resources interested in the performing arts , and raise the standard of transgender girl contests to be accepted by the general public.

Miss International Queen™ 2020 received THB 450,000 , a trophy, a sash, a gift voucher from Pratunam Polyclinic by Dr. Thep Vejvisith, a gift set from Mistine Cosmetics, a flower bouquet by Flow Designed Florist, accommodations with modern amenities and friendly service in a tropical environment at Woodlands Hotel and Resort Pattaya for the duration of her reign, and a VIP lifetime access to Tiffany’s Show Pattaya.

The pageant had sub-sections including Best National Costume , Best Evening Gown (also won by Fluchaire), Best Talent , Miss Photogenic , Miss Congeniality , and Most Popular Introductory Video .

